Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona [ETSAB] with the participation of National Cheng Kung University [NCKU]

This ten day cinemetrics workshop explore the potential of transport infrastructure to generate new public spaces. The aim is to challenge the perception of these infrastructures while introducing tools and strategies to further develop their urban qualities.

Jul 29, 2014

Explorations: In Progress _ Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes

Adrià Goula
Les Glòries is a complex area due to its scale and central location at the junction of three of the city’s most important thoroughfares. It was first designed by Ildefons Cerdà as a new center and a major public space of the XIX century extension plan for Barcelona, the so called Eixample. During the 1992 Olympic Games it was redesigned as a Park and Ride, a door to the city. But the Olympic roundabout of elevated motorways is currently being demolished to build a great urban park. The works have become an attraction and a meeting point for many who constantly photograph them. The ongoing demolition has opened the views towards some iconic buildings such Sagrada Família and others located around the hub. The workshop focuses on a temporary intervention, restricted to the construction phase, to reinforce the potential of Plaça les Glòries as an urban landmark and public stage.

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